Eat Right and Exercise…Simple, Right? Right!?

Eat Right and Exercise…Simple, Right? Right!?

I met with a friend of mine just a few days ago and heard an all-too-familiar story. This friend is at the end of her rope. She’s stressed out, not sleeping right, in poor health and she feels like she has the weight of the world on her shoulders. 

As a result, she’s not really taking care of herself the way she knows she should or could. 

The solution is simple, right?

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Enough Already - Thoughts on Leading a Satisfying Life

Enough Already - Thoughts on Leading a Satisfying Life

The more I read about who is successful in this life, the more I realize just how important it is to understand the word “enough.” I’ve written a lot about this on this blog, but I think it’s essential to keep hammering the point...if not for you, at least for me.

It has never been easier in this world to go narrow and deep. The resources to delve deeper and deeper in a subject are nearly infinite. In order to run out of material you practically have to specialize within a specialty!

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More Is Less - Why I'm Going On A "No Buy"

More Is Less - Why I'm Going On A "No Buy"

As it became clear to me that Mr. F2P and I were finally reaching a significant financial milestone last year, I started taking my foot off the saving gas for a bit and ramped up my consumption

I won't deny that it was fun at first. You know that feeling that comes from being a more reckless version of yourself, of throwing caution to the wind? Of course, my version of this wasn't so extreme but you get the idea.

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Are We Listening? On Meaningful Conversation

Are We Listening? On Meaningful Conversation

Coffee is one of my favourite beverages. Not only because I enjoy having a cup (and many times two) of the dark elixir but because it’s often accompanied by good, if not great and memorable, conversation.

These memorable conversations usually take place with one or more of my friends and/or family, sometimes in a private home, sometimes at a coffee shop. Sometimes it follows a meal, sometimes not. 

What each conversation has in common, other than a beverage of some kind, is that there is no agenda, there is no timeframe or time limit. Once we've experienced it one, I find that almost everyone knows something good or great is about to happen but this last point we never bring up because it might kill the magic of it all.

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The Ripple Effect

The Ripple Effect

One aspect of my professional life I don’t write about much on Free to Pursue, other than a vague hint of it here and there, is that my husband and I run a personal and small group physical training facility out of our home on a part-time basis. Since coming out of the FIRE writer closet in November 2016, despite some struggles in doing so, I see little reason not to offer some of the insights into successful living that I’ve gained from nearly a decade of experience as a personal trainer, especially having read my friend David's article on this very concept (thanks for the reminder David).

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The "Plane" Truth - Assumptions Keep Us Shackled to Our Beliefs (and vice versa)

The "Plane" Truth - Assumptions Keep Us Shackled to Our Beliefs (and vice versa)

I had an interesting experience on the last leg of our trip home from Costa Rica. On the flight from Toronto to Winnipeg I was sitting next to a woman in her fifties from Winnipeg who worked for a large raw materials organization in the city. She’d been in TO for training on a new ERP system her company was migrating to, having kept their system for over twenty years. 

She talked the talk and looked the look of someone who worked in corporate Canada.

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Don't Be a Moron, Life Happens

Don't Be a Moron, Life Happens

I work with a number of people every week, as do most people. What's unusual at present is that most of the people I interact with have experienced significant life events that were out of their control: death of a loved one, illness, job change, career opportunity, new relationship. All of these were highly unexpected. And their sheer number reminds me of the following:

Anyone who thinks that every step in life can be planned out and executed to perfection is a moron.

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