How Many Winters?

How Many Winters?

As snowflake clusters fall softly to the ground this morning, I watch, coffee in hand. I appreciate the spectacle and wonder: "How many winters do I have in my future?”

I say it not to be morose but to ensure I cherish this one. This day. This snowfall. This moment. I want to soak in what this experience offers me. I've written before that memories are my most prized possessions, but I think the ability to stop and spend time in the now—doing what feels right in the moment—as often as possible is even more precious.

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Don't Be a Moron, Life Happens

Don't Be a Moron, Life Happens

I work with a number of people every week, as do most people. What's unusual at present is that most of the people I interact with have experienced significant life events that were out of their control: death of a loved one, illness, job change, career opportunity, new relationship. All of these were highly unexpected. And their sheer number reminds me of the following:

Anyone who thinks that every step in life can be planned out and executed to perfection is a moron.

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How To Live Like A [Little] Prince

How To Live Like A [Little] Prince

Eight Truths From Saint-Exupéry

A movie came out last year called The Little Prince. It’s an adaptation of the 1943 novel of the same name by aviator and author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. News of this movie reminded me of the book, which lead me to reread it last April. I’m glad I did. This work of fiction was pure gold when the book was first published and it’s even more precious now for a society that wants everything but values nothing.

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Scratch That 007 - What Bond Can Teach Us About What Matters

Scratch That 007 - What Bond Can Teach Us About What Matters

Bond fever has struck again now that Spectre has landed in our neighbourhood theatres. I’m fascinated by the fact that Ian Fleming’s James Bond character has attracted fans for generations and appears to still have enough momentum to continue on for some time. 

Part of the attraction we have towards this character is that, though he feels confident enough about being surrounded by riches, he doesn’t feel beholden to the objects or to his surroundings.

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On Chasing Rainbows - Dreams vs Fantasies

On Chasing Rainbows - Dreams vs Fantasies

I've met a number of rainbow chasers over the last number of weeks. I'm sure you have too. They're all around us. Their head is in the sand, in the's anywhere other than where it matters most. 

I know the type. I used to be one.

I used to chase rainbows, those fantasies we're all taught to chase. But fantasies aren't our dreams. They're ideas we know deep down aren't real but we kid ourselves into thinking they'll solve our problems...forever.

Conversely, dreams are desired future states that are *gasp* plausible. In what you can picture, you're still you, only better and more fulfilled. It's not perfect, but it's the good life you aspire to. It's a potential future state of what's real.

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The Devil Made Me Do It. Why We Always Have A Choice.

The Devil Made Me Do It. Why We Always Have A Choice.

As some of you may already be aware, there are two movies that really resonate with me from a philosophical perspective. One of these is The Matrix and the other? The Devil Wears Prada. The concept of choice is a fundamental theme that runs through these two movies and anyone watching them would be hard pressed to not consider what that might mean in their own lives. It certainly did for me and still does. 

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Follow The White Rabbit...

Follow The White Rabbit...

My favourite movie of all time, and the one that helped me start thinking about how I should and could live life on my terms, is The Matrix

It's not because I thought I could kung fu fight my way through life, but it was the numerous messages throughout the movie that made me question steps in life that we just take for granted as being "normal".

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