The Freedom To Get Real

The Freedom To Get Real

It started in my late teens. I had this feeling in the pit of my stomach that told me that I didn’t have to follow the rules as scripted. I went to school, then university, worked in my family’s small business and tried to ignore my gut. I enjoyed school and work but, again, that nagging feeling was there. I just kept getting better at suppressing it by becoming an adrenaline junky off hours.

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On Chasing Rainbows - Dreams vs Fantasies

On Chasing Rainbows - Dreams vs Fantasies

I've met a number of rainbow chasers over the last number of weeks. I'm sure you have too. They're all around us. Their head is in the sand, in the's anywhere other than where it matters most. 

I know the type. I used to be one.

I used to chase rainbows, those fantasies we're all taught to chase. But fantasies aren't our dreams. They're ideas we know deep down aren't real but we kid ourselves into thinking they'll solve our problems...forever.

Conversely, dreams are desired future states that are *gasp* plausible. In what you can picture, you're still you, only better and more fulfilled. It's not perfect, but it's the good life you aspire to. It's a potential future state of what's real.

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What Do Flying a Glider & Personal Finance Have In Common? Everything.

What Do Flying a Glider & Personal Finance Have In Common? Everything.

My husband has been interested in going for a ride in a glider for over 13 years. Seeing a potential opportunity during our honeymoon peaked his interest and, unfortunately [or fortunately], it’s been on his bucket list ever since. 

Well, he finally managed to scratch it off the list this past weekend when he, our goddaughter and I drove a 1/2-hour out of the city for a chance at the experience. And we were lucky too because, based on the current weather forecast, I think this was the last truly beautiful weekend for us this year. 

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Follow The White Rabbit...

Follow The White Rabbit...

My favourite movie of all time, and the one that helped me start thinking about how I should and could live life on my terms, is The Matrix

It's not because I thought I could kung fu fight my way through life, but it was the numerous messages throughout the movie that made me question steps in life that we just take for granted as being "normal".

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