More Is Less - Why I'm Going On A "No Buy"

More Is Less - Why I'm Going On A "No Buy"

As it became clear to me that Mr. F2P and I were finally reaching a significant financial milestone last year, I started taking my foot off the saving gas for a bit and ramped up my consumption

I won't deny that it was fun at first. You know that feeling that comes from being a more reckless version of yourself, of throwing caution to the wind? Of course, my version of this wasn't so extreme but you get the idea.

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Enough Already: The Cost of Not Having Enough...of What Money Can't Buy

Enough Already: The Cost of Not Having Enough...of What Money Can't Buy

I recently read another book by John C. Bogle titled “Enough: True Measures of Money, Business, and Life”. The title intrigued me and I figured I was likely to like it, as I’d enjoyed reading a previous work from this author: “The Little Book of Common Sense Investing”.

And I was right. It is a great book and one that I recommend.

Interestingly enough, the part of the book that struck me the most is conveniently located on the very first page...

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Book Review: "Everything That Remains"

Book Review: "Everything That Remains"

Want to know what Free to Pursue thinks about The Minimalists' book "Everything That Remains"?

I gave the book a 4.5 out of 5 Rockstar rating.

Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus's memoir takes the reader on a journey from their early days to the present as each, in their own way, went about building the life they thought they wanted: getting the right job, marrying the right girl, buying the right house, car and stuff--only to find out that the life they built for themselves wasn't at all what they wanted. It might have looked like the perfect life to others, but inside they were broken, empty vessels. They'd lost themselves by spending too much time looking from the outside in instead of the inside out.

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