Here's What Kills Our Negotiation Power - Part 1

Here's What Kills Our Negotiation Power - Part 1

A recent post by J. Money over at Budgets Are Sexy called “11 Awesome Money Ideas!” provided some unique and creative ideas from fellow readers of his blog on how to help us think differently about money, all thanks to clever actions dreamed up by these eleven contributors. 

I appreciate the curation of ideas such as these because thinking differently about money is usually the easiest way of changing our behaviour, even though it can feel a bit chicken and egg sometimes.

That blog post also caused me to reflect on this idea of thinking differently and how doing so has changed our approach toward many monetary transactions, especially when it comes to negotiating. 

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Frugal Gardening Pays Yummy & Fragrant Dividends

Frugal Gardening Pays Yummy & Fragrant Dividends

I've already posted an article about gardening and included our garden in my list of 10 favourite things, but I can't help writing about it again because I think it's a fundamental part of enabling a person to live on their terms. 

If you have any outdoor space, or near-outdoor space, at all—front yard, back yard, side yard, sunroom, balcony—I encourage you to grow something...even if it's only a window sill on which to grow herbs. 


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Exercising Good Judgement: How Money Affects Our Behaviour

Exercising Good Judgement: How Money Affects Our Behaviour

I’ve often heard that money only amplifies who we are. If we’re a giving person, money will only make us more giving. If we’re an a**hole, money will only make us a bigger a**hole. 

I don’t disagree with the above, but I think we’re ignoring the other end of the spectrum: believing we don’t have “enough” can have the same effect. 

Being tight on money because we have too much debt or don’t feel we’re where we need to be in life (career, love, savings) also amplifies who we are and how we use money to affect others.
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My Struggle with Anonymity

My Struggle with Anonymity

I struggle with anonymity, I’m even struggling with writing this post about struggling with anonymity. 

As a blogger who’s been talking about personal finance, relationships and everything in between, anonymity has been a soft & cozy blanket. It’s helped me find the courage to talk about a lot of ideas that are far from mainstream and that could cause some people in my other circles to distance themselves from me. 

The most prickly topic? Money.

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