The Weather Outside Is Frightful...Suck It Up!

The Weather Outside Is Frightful...Suck It Up!

It's now nearing -20 degrees Celsius in my part of the world. That's just below 0 degrees Fahrenheit for my U.S. readers. Given this precipitous drop in temperature, I thought I'd focus this post on North America's dependence on climate control.

Let's face it. We're downright wusses when it comes to being "cold" in the winter and "hot" in the summer. What would be perfectly acceptable in other parts of the world turns us into a whiny bunch of babies.

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The ROI of Saving Like A Canadian

The ROI of Saving Like A Canadian

Who has an easier time saving money, Canadians or Americans?... Canadians!  

According to median income numbers and average personal savings rates, typical Canadians save about $500 more per year than typical Americans. On its own, this probably isn't enough reason to switch citizenship, but it will save a few years off a working career by the time of retirement.

In addition to a few less years of work, there are some other pretty fantastic benefits to living in Canada, in my humble opinion, which include things like mandatory paid time off, paid maternity leave, government-run healthcare, greater social mobility, less inequality, better positioning to handle climate change, cheaper college, better education, more international travel, happier and more fulfilled people, stronger marriages, less jail time, and oh, did I mention more sex?  Yeah, that too.  I've got all the deets. :)

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